Megalithic Sites

Saujac is in the middle of one of the densest collections of megalithic sites in France and indeed Europe. These are mostly dolmen (a construction made with two or more rock slabs standing on edge topped with a large stone "table" top) and a few menhirs (flat stone slabs standing on end). The dolmen were erected as graves, generally during the period between 5000 and 2000 BCE. Many of the dolmen in the area are still standing and most can be visited. Aveyron has many carved menhirs from the same period, but these are not present in our immediate area.

Dolmen were originally covered with rocks and debris, forming a mound called a tumulus. The bodies were interred with grave goods such as pottery, weapons and jewelry. Many were built with vestibules or antechambers. Some dolmen sites contained dozens, even hundreds, of remains. Over the centuries farmers used these sites as sources of stone, and the graves were looted.

Most of the dolmen in Quercy and Rouergue are oriented with the main opening facing southeast, or towards the rising sun.

The Musée Fenaille, in Rodez, has a number of marvelous carved menhir from the southern part of Aveyron.

Exceptional dolmen or menhir

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